Control method for an autonomous group of multi-rotor aircraft




control system, unmanned aerial vehicles, group of robots, monitoring.


The purpose of this article is to improve the efficiency of control and monitoring of an autonomous group of multi-rotor aircraft by developing a hardware and software complex. The research is aimed at creating an intelligent system that will allow managing a group of drones for basing, data backup, charging on-board batteries, and assessing performance. The simplicity, diversity, good scalability of the design, ease of control, high maneuverability of multi-rotor systems have led to their widespread use. However, this type of design is not aerodynamically stable and for this reason requires an active stabilization system that would adjust the rotor speeds in real time. The developed software and hardware complex will allow you to control a group of multi-rotor aircraft by sending various commands. The developed system will allow automatic landing of a multi-rotor copter on a moving platform. In the course of the work, a general technique for controlling an autonomous group of multi-rotor aircraft was described, and a structural and graphic diagram of the stabilization system for an unmanned aerial vehicle was developed. The structure of information flows in the control system of unmanned aerial vehicles has been developed. The developed models will be used to build a simulation model, as well as in the direct development of the control system.

Author Biographies

D. V. Starov

Dmitriy Starov, Senior Lecturer, Department of Materials Technology and Industrial Engineering, Astrakhan State University named of V.N. Tatishcheva, Astrakhan, Russian Federation

ORCID: 0009-0002-0377-3044

V. A. Koryakova

Victoria Koryakova, assistant, Department of Information Security, Astrakhan State University named of V.N. Tatishcheva, Astrakhan, Russian Federation

ORCID: 0000-0002-2472-9248


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How to Cite

Starov, D. V., & Koryakova, V. A. (2024). Control method for an autonomous group of multi-rotor aircraft. Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies, 4(1), 0110–0121.

Conference Proceedings Volume


IT and informatics