Prospects for the development of electronic payment systems




Electronic payment systems, advantages of electronic payment systems, disadvantages of electronic wallets, transactions, mobile payments, security.


This article examines the prospects for the development of electronic payment systems and their impact on modern society. Key aspects such as security, speed of transactions, accessibility and ease of use are analyzed in detail. The main emphasis is placed on electronic payment systems, which allow non-cash payments and transfers using modern information technologies. It is also emphasized that these systems have become an integral part of our daily communication and have made financial transactions more convenient and accessible. An overview of existing payment systems is presented, analyzing their shortcomings and what directions are highlighted for further improvement and innovation. The article describes the main advantages of electronic payment systems, such as convenience of use, reduced time for bank transfers, the ability to make payments anywhere in the world and transparency of transactions. The role of competition and innovation in the development of electronic payment systems is considered, the results and forecasts of their future development. The article is of interest for specialists in finance and information technology, as well as for all those interested in modern trends in the field of electronic payments. It allows to better understand the current state and prospects of development of electronic payment systems and assess their role in modern society.

Author Biographies

А. V. Dolgusheva

Alisa Dolgusheva, 2nd year student, “Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics”, Samara, Russian Federation

S. G. Bednyak

Svetlana Bednyak, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, “Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics”, Samara, Russian Federation


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How to Cite

Dolgusheva А. V., & Bednyak, S. G. (2024). Prospects for the development of electronic payment systems. Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies, 4(1), 0153–0160.

Conference Proceedings Volume


IT and informatics