Construction of ground control points for spacecraft using optimization-simulation model


  • Igor Kartsan Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, FGBNU «Expert-Analytical Center», Moscow, Russian Federation



optimization and simulation approach, simulation modeling, model, spacecraft, a network of ground control points


The article deals with the application of simulation modeling and optimization-simulation approach to solving problems of synthesis of structures of automated spacecraft control systems, namely, the choice of spacecraft control points, which are multifunctional aggregates of stationary and mobile elements dispersed in space with developed technical means of receiving, transmitting and processing information. Various approaches to the joint use of optimization and simulation models in the synthesis of the structure of complex systems are analyzed. The main attention is paid to the possibility of joint use in the synthesis of optimization and simulation models, their rational interaction in optimization and simulation procedures that describe both the composition and interrelationships of the structural elements of the system, as well as dynamic and stochastic aspects of their functioning. An optimization-simulation approach based on the joint use of optimization and simulation models in the process of searching for optimal structure options is proposed. Rational mapping of a set of interrelated functions performed by a control system into a set of interconnected nodes with appropriate technical means, taking into account the costs of creating or reconstructing the system, the costs of operation and operation, the requirements of operational efficiency of management, the reliability of technical means, the survivability and globality of the control system and other characteristics. Consideration of the problem of optimizing the distribution of tasks included in the control loop by levels and control nodes of the system and determining a set of technical means that minimize the costs of equipping nodes with technical means and their operation when performing restrictions on efficiency, hardware reliability of performing control tasks, weight and energy consumption of on-board equipment, loading of nodes, etc.


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How to Cite

Kartsan, I. (2021). Construction of ground control points for spacecraft using optimization-simulation model. Modern Innovations, Systems and Technologies, 1(2), 64–71.

Conference Proceedings Volume


Transport, aviation and rocket and space technology